بناء غزة لتصبح دولة
فلسطين الحرة المستقلة
مهمتنا هي مساعدة الناس في تخفيف فقرهم من خلال عدد كبير من الحملات المفيدة لجعلها ضرورية وفعالة للغاية. نحن نسعى لتقديم الدعم والمساندة للأفراد والمجتمعات المحتاجة من خلال توفير الخدمات والبرامج التي تهدف إلى تحسين ظروفهم المعيشية وتوفير فرص النمو والازدهار. ونحن نعمل على تعزيز التوعية حول قضايا الفقر وتحفيز المجتمعات للمشاركة في الجهود الرامية إلى الحد منها. نحن ملتزمون بتحقيق التقدم وإحداث تغيير إيجابي في حياة الناس بطرق مستدامة وملموسة.
Fight Poverty
Programs & Services
Fight Poverty
Programs & Services
Family & Community
Welcome to the Gainlove
Global aid network
The Gainlove Global aid network envisions a thriving and connected community, one in which all of its members have dependable access to resources that enrich and empower lives. A community where all of its members feel they can belong, one in which everyone has a chance to both contribute and receive. A community where everyone can feel fulfilled by their involvement.
2021 fundraiser champions for social justice
Help raise $30,000 for the community of Stanwood Camano.
Give a future full
of choices
Every child deserves a healthy start
Provide FREE services to check healthcare and prescribe basic resources like food and medical.
They do medication and refer patients to a program just as they do any other specialty and improve health to people who are seeking medical care.
Krista’s Climb for a Cause
Make learning possible for children who are all ages, from kindergarten to high school and adults also.
Provide learning vocational training, educational opportunities that help adults improve their education, and catch up with modern life.
Being Realistic With Your Goals
Enhance children protection system to dealing with the prevention of child abuse in general, anti-bullying or prevention of child sexual abuse.
Ensuring children live in a supportive family environment, full educational learning, access to justice and protection from violence, abuse and exploitation.
We always see hope
Provide exceptional healthcare, foods & funds to support victims in natural or pandemic disaster, war, …
Offer free of charge, high quality medical treatment and surgical care for people.
Featured Campaigns
New American Riders: Bicycles for refugees in Western Mass
With our partners at the Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts, RadSpringfield will be furnishing recently resettled and newly employed refugees with bicycles, helmets, locks,…
donate nowSupport Learning Disabilities Association of WNY
The fundraiser would support the current Learning Disabilities Association of Western NY programs, a service provider for over 1200 individuals with learning and/or developmental disabilities…
donate nowEmpower the kids of Ghana By Volunteering Causes
By giving the kids access to better resources to supplement their pursuit of education we are literally empowering them into securing the best possible futures…
donate nowFundraising Campaign For The “Young Ones” Can Give Back
To reach as much possible orphanages before Christmas To raise enough money before Christmas in order to start rapping the Christmas giftsTo raise the set…
donate nowDonation for Helping Women and Children in Chicago
Your donation will provide feminine hygiene products to homeless and low-income women in Chicagoland. We would love your support in providing this basic need, and…
donate nowVolunteer Positions Available
Staff and volunteers across 16 countries
Of our staff in these countries are local
Invested in all our programs last year 2019
Invested in all our programs last year 2019
“I realize that school can help me achieve my goals and improve my life.”
Samuel Phelp, Program Alumna, Tanzania
Make a Difference
Figure out what Gainlove are most deserving of your dollars, what proactive missions are.
Free Access
It’s free of charge to provide service and raise funds. Easily get access to campaigns or projects.
Locals For Locals
A group of donors cover our operating costs so 100% of your money can fund water projects.
Real Impact
Gainlove gives real impact that operating costs so 100% of your money can fund water projects.
Safety Net
A safety network lets your donations and funds guarantee a safe way network and public
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